Adasio healthy horse

About Adasio

Adasio Corp is a specialty importer / exporter of feeds, forages, and grains for the livestock, dairy, equine, pet, exotic, exhibition, and sport animal markets. Our mission is to develop high-performance animal feeds and nutritional programs based on sustainable water resources and the corroboration of exceptional animal food scientists and nutritionists. Grown in the central United States, Adasio crops are never treated with chemical fertilizers.

The Adasio Goose

Geese fly inV formation when migrating to faraway places, neither for the beauty nor showmanship, but because of the pragmatic benefits: for energy conservation and group security. They travel farther safer, expending less energy per goose in a group than a single goose alone. They perform better in collaboration with each other.

Likewise, Adasio is a collaboration of exceptional animal nutritionists, food scientists, and business minds, who together achieve more than they would individually. Inspired by the goose, we strive to achieve faraway goals and reach distant places with our unique sustainable animal feeds and nutritional programs.

Our Water Sustaining Initiative

The Ogallala aquifer is one of the largest aquifers in the world, and like others, its level has been dropping for many years. At Adasio, the importance of water sustainability is rooted in our core mission and employees' values. Our one-of-a-kind water recycling process converts used water from city and agricultural sources to useable water for crop cultivation. Rerouting this water and treating it in our anaerobic lagoons serves the following purposes: crop watering, organic fertilization, and conservation of the Ogallala aquifer.

Learn more about our water recycling process >


U.S.A Office

14149 21stAve N
Plymouth, MN 55447

Jim Goetz

Tel: (763) 225-8460


Guatemala Office

13 Calle 12-96 Zona 11
Guatemala City, GUA

Geraldine Nidasio

Tel: ++(502) 5819-9880
